How to Sue for a Truck Accident Injury

When you sue for truck accident injury, you’ll need to document everything from the initial impact through medical treatment and other expenses. This might seem like an impossible task after a crash but each piece of evidence strengthens your case and ensures justice gets served.

Your lawyer will start by collecting and preserving evidence at the crash scene, including taking photographs and speaking with witnesses. Many trucks also have event data recorders, or black boxes, that can provide important details about the actions of a truck driver before a crash. Your attorney will also consult with forensic experts to help determine how your crash occurred and the extent of your injuries.

It’s important to file a lawsuit promptly after your accident, as there are often strict filing deadlines for personal injury claims. Fortunately, a New York truck accident lawyer at Morelli Law can help you determine who is liable and how much compensation to pursue for your injury-related losses.

Most truck accidents are caused by negligence, which means that there’s an argument for liability on the part of someone involved. That could include the trucker who caused the crash if they were driving recklessly, speeding, or using drugs and alcohol; the trucking company if it wasn’t paying close attention to maintenance issues or implementing unreasonable delivery schedules; or the manufacturer of the truck if a defective component contributes to the accident.

A truck accident claim is complex and requires an experienced lawyer with specialized knowledge of both the law and trucking and insurance companies. It can be difficult to negotiate with these large corporate giants, who are looking out for their bottom line rather than your best interests. An experienced truck accident lawyer can handle all the complicated details of your case and negotiate with liable parties to seek maximum compensation for your accident-related damages.

Besides the tangible losses like hospital bills and lost income, you can also claim non-economic damages, known as pain and suffering. These aren’t easily quantified by receipts or paystubs, but instead involve the emotional and psychological impacts of your accident such as chronic pain, reduced enjoyment of hobbies, and effects on relationships with loved ones.

After a thorough investigation, your New York truck accident lawyer can draft legal documents detailing your injury-related damages and submit them to the liable party or their insurance company. Your lawyer will then negotiate with the liable party to fight off their arguments that your damages are either not real or exaggerated. If necessary, your attorney will be ready to take your case to trial to win the compensation you deserve.